Discount Perfume

Buying perfumes is expensive and buying a designer perfume is even more so. The fragrance business is a multi-million dollar industry, and with most people looking out for something special, it is not surprising that everyone is constantly searching for perfumes at a discount. If you know where to look, you can be certain to get a good bargain instead of paying too much for a small designer perfume at some up-market boutique or department store.

The general assumption is that a discount perfume means that the product is old or used or is an imitation. This is not true. Now you can get the same designer fragrances you find in department stores for sale at certain online stores. The average shelf life of most fragrances is three to five years, and some sites guarantee that their products are “fresh” and fall within the recommended shelf life.

While there are some really low prices online, buyers must check that they are purchasing authentic perfume. A low price may mean that the perfume has been diluted with water or is not originally blended by the company that manufactured the product. To ensure authenticity, only buy from sites that are already established and reputable. A common mistake is not looking at the currency for which the discounted perfume is being sold. Once converted into dollars with shipping charges added, it might not be such a bargain after all.

A good shopper will be aware about upcoming sales where there can be up to 20% discount on perfumes, sometimes even more for old stock. These kinds of sales are especially advantageous for bargain hunters, as they are definitely safer than buying perfume online. Make friends with the salesperson at a store you frequent and ask for updates on upcoming discounts on perfume. Get your name added to the company mailing list and avail yourself of discount promotions on perfumes as soon as they notify you through the mail.